Help->Know More->Manage Audio

Audio can be managed when "Audio" is checked from Image/Audio Transform

1.    DVD Photo Slideshow Maker support both WAV and MP3 formats

2.    Click "Add" from the "Editorial Shortcuts" to launch the following window



3.    Search and select the wanted audio, then click "Open" from the above window

4.    Repeat Step 2 and 3 to import all the wanted audio

5.    Audio can be also added by Open an existing project.


1.    Click "Remove" from the "Editorial Shortcuts" to remove the selected Audio

2.    Click "Clear" from the "Editorial Shortcuts" to remove all the audio without selection


íñ         Play Audio

1.    Choose audio by clicking the audio file


2.    Click "Play" from the "Editorial Shortcuts" and be sure your microphone is ready

íñ         Convert Audio to a Video Show

When audio is selected, the conversion is the same as converting photos.